Wednesday, 30 May 2018

species,things and facts

Welcome, it's me, Ahyan.
I'm going to tell you about species, things and facts. In class we have free-writing time, I did this because I was interested in this and because it sounded fun.

God made humans. Earth has species that are called humans. Humans aren’t stronger than God because they can’t make the earth. The moon is made out of sand. You can jump high when you’re on the moon and on earth you can’t jump high. It’s because the moon has less gravity and the earth has more gravity than the moon.

Space has black holes. (Here’s a link for the solar system.). Let me tell you the biggest thing ever that God made. It is the universe. The universe is the biggest thing because the universe has all of the species.

Now species are like different humans and things, like devils and demons. How did things get here? Because God was there to make them, that's why humans were created. What would it be like without humans and God? How were things made? By God!

So before everything there was a big bang and the universe was expanding. Black holes are like things that can kill you if you go close to one, they don’t move though. It would take a lot of years to get to a black hole. Black holes have a white side and a black side. Black holes are invisible. You can’t see them anywhere when you’re in space. Space is like the night time above the clouds.

Mars is going to be everybody's new home because in about 4 billion years the earth will be crushed and all the humans will be dead. You need na oxygen helmet in space so you can breathe in space. The Moon is 384,400 km away from Earth.

I enjoyed finding the information online
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